
Showing posts from 2019

An oldy but a goody...Liberal Atheist in the Heartland (Originally published July 2017)

Day one: liberal atheist in the heartland... Met nice woman who grew up here but moved away 17 years ago. She liked my shirt (Rogue NASA) and appreciated that I believe in science. When I told her where I was headed, she bought me a beer, told me good luck and to "embrace the ranch."  Bartender was lovely, grew up here. Never heard of Ashland, NE.  Speed limit sign, 75mph. Well done NE Road name "Country Club Rd" unpaved and dusty. I like the irony. Walk into my room. Large cross hanging on the wall. Mark is right, I'm being "re-educated." Headed to state park to scope it out. Did see several winery signs. All is not lost. Day One: part 2 To be fair to NE - Night one: liberal atheist in the heartland Went to beautiful state park with sweeping landscapes, stables, and even a quintessential train in the background. Saw a mama deer with her two fawns. Watch a lovely sunset (OK not the full thing, I watched Children o...